Without exception, those who take and finish the course Transformation get giddy with the increased ‘connectivity’ experienced.It shows itself most obviously in frequent ‘serendipitous’ events. At first, the rollercoaster ride feels almost miraculous…
‘If I hadn’t intuitively gone there, I would never have met him/her who told me about the group at X that just happened to be open that moment, so I went straight in and met…’
At first, people focus on the larger, more life-changing sequences that lead to soulmate meetings, business ideas, mentors, etc. —But after a few months of practice and experience with the techniques, they start to observe serendipity even in the minor daily rituals.The latter fascinates me as much, because it shows the power of connectivity through the Higgs field to draw like-minded souls together and to experience meaningful life events with people (and animals) we might otherwise simply walk by. It enhances the life experience. Because serendipity evolves like a game of Snake and Ladders, so this story also has to slither about a bit to make its point for you.As some of you know, I like to talk about money, because having it flow through your life — in feels good, out feels stressful, but that’s how energy works… we feel powerful when we breathe in and spent when we breathe out fully — allows you to do all the things you dreamed of. For me, one of those delights is to have and fund an animal rescue/sanctuary. I call it Fluffs because whenever Lyn engages an animal, she refers to it as a ‘Fluff,’ and when speaking with it directly, calls it ‘Fluffem’s ears.’ (Long ago I learned life is easier not to ask why).When I started Fluffs, I did so with the same giddy enthusiasm as a novice start-up entrepreneur who has not even gone through the business-plan process. In Secrets to a Successful Start-up, I discuss the importance of understanding every business function before plunging headlong into the venture…But here, I didn’t heed my own advice, and the development of Fluffs was anything but smooth. I had none of the ‘secrets’… and so experienced Fluffs rather like many unprepared entrepreneurs experience the bumpy start-up years.Recently, and for the first time in several years, Fluffs has no permanent residents. We’ve found viable and loving homes for all the 4- (and a 3-) legged residents.So, I took the opportunity to shut down that part of the operation and to take myself back to school as a student at one of the largest animal sanctuaries in America (with an annual turnover/money flow of $500 million). These guys know what they’re doing…And because of their mission in life, they’re only too happy to share best & worst practices. I have a lot to learn, but I’ll enjoy the student process.What does that have to do with serendipity?Stay with me here. Fluffs had three business ideas, one being the sanctuary. A second operation was an idea Lyn and I had to ‘Uber’ pet care. There are countless dogs and cats that just want companionship, and there are millions of seniors who just want the experience of a pet.Maybe they had a pet before, but fear about what would happen to one if they died.
Other seniors want a pet, but can’t afford the vet bills or food, or are perhaps unable to physically handle the necessary tasks of walking and poop-scooping.
Then again, there are very able people who might have accommodation or lifestyles that do not permit having a pet and would love nothing more than walking and caring for a dog for a few hours a day without the accompanying financial and logistical issues.
Our ‘Uber’ plan was a win-win-win-win-win…
Nothing uplifts seniors living in residences more than a calm visiting dog or cat. So, we provide them, but we also provide the volunteer walker who loves animals but whose lifestyle or shift hours make having a pet a challenge.
- We pay the vet and food bills and the senior resident gets a stress-free pet experience.
- The walker gets the joy of animal interaction, while also developing strong bonds with the senior.
- The pet gets everything it needs.
- Fluffs covers the costs and manages the logistics.
It’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever been involved in, and I could write a tear-inducing book just on the sheer joy this matchmaking creates.
I plan to expand this aspect of the non-profit company while I’m studying to be a better sanctuary owner. : )Ah, and now for the serendipity…
It was while in the mode of rescuing a dog from a pound (and socializing it ever so carefully until it was calm enough to visit a state-funded senior care facility) that I met Clare and Teddy.
A non-resident senior, Clare dotes on her Fluffy mop of a dog — who does really look like a Teddy.
If I hadn’t shifted the emphasis of Fluffs toward the ‘Uber’ pet experience, I would never have rescued Honey that day (not my name for her). Honey is the calmest dog I know, so calm I have to check that she is still alive half the time.
Because I have a good relationship with the manager of the senior care home, I can come and go freely with visiting dogs. Honey was a natural. She slipped her leash and before I could start to panic, she calmly visited every resident, all sitting in a circle in a comfortable lounge.
She allowed them to pet her, hug her, cramp her space.
What would normally be a stressful experience for a dog — multiple moving arms and people bending over her safe space — she simply allowed.
Then, while the residents played a mental stimulation game of Hangman, Honey watched it all while upside down in the center of the circle.It was at that point that Clare arrived with Teddy.
Later I found out that Teddy was terrified of larger dogs, but seeing Honey upside down with her tongue hanging out on the carpet seemed to alleviate that fear.
I started chatting with Clare and, as always happens with serendipity, we discovered many shared experiences, journeys and common friends.
We became fast friends and, as a patron of the residence, she was able to introduce our Uber pet program to many other residences.Clare introduced me to another independent senior, Sharon. Like many seniors, Sharon lived alone in every aspect of the word. She still mourned her husband and her conversation was largely about the pride she had for her three children who had flown the nest, married, but also moved to different states.
Outside the USA, Europeans and the British have little concept of how vast this continent is and, therefore, little understanding of how many families who start out as small nurtured groups become separated by hundreds and even thousands of miles and the stresses that brings.
Sharon had set aside her dreams to bring up a family, but the family was long gone and the grandchildren never visited, not because they didn’t want to but because of the obvious family and travel costs and logistics… a common theme here.
When I met Sharon, I felt her loneliness wash over me like the sudden cold breeze that chills us when we open the freezer door. Sharon also had an issue that was easy to resolve, but she was so lost in her loneliness that the problem overwhelmed her. She was so grateful for the simple solution that she was totally open to joining our Uber program.
Suffice it to say, she has not been lonely since.But none of this is really the story of serendipity I intended to write.
Before I understood and practiced Transformation, Clare and Sharon and I might have walked by each other 100 times without speaking or even making eye contact.
Now we seemed to always to be in the same place in space and time…
It was like magic.
I should add that where Clare and Sharon live is a place I visit only once every 5 or 6 weeks, and then only for a few days.
The chance of crossing paths is probably about the same as winning a lottery, but after those first meetings, not a trip went by without us all seeming to be in the same place at the same time at least once every visit.
This is how connectivity works.Life for me, however, is always by the way of the winding staircase (See Three Simple Steps…I said this story would wander).
I recently closed out our home in that place. New games and adventures are already afoot.
When the movers came, I spent most of the time on the patio looking out below for signs of Clare and Sharon so I could say a proper farewell. I didn’t see them. After the movers had finished their work, I closed the door with a cocktail of melancholy and gratitude (this had been a special place to us) and drove the 30 minutes to our new place.
All through the short drive, I felt sad that I hadn’t seen Clare and Sharon and their fluffy dogs one more time.Feeling tired, I kicked off my shoes, flopped into a comfy chair and sipped a glass of wine. My hand dropped to my side and, to my annoyance, I realized from the clang that I had forgotten to drop off the old keys. I thought about leaving it until the next day, but I knew I had to drive back and drop off the keys.
As you can probably guess by now…
I pulled into my old parking spot an hour later right next to where Clare, Sharon and the two dogs just happened to be standing.
I had never seen them there before.
It was as if they had been transported there to await me, and I was so glad and so relieved to be able to say a proper farewell to them.On the return journey, I was able to replay it in my mind:
If I hadn’t been melancholy and tired, I’d never have forgotten to drop off the keys and then never have driven back to be in that place at that time when they just happened to be together for the only time ever…And that is the beauty of connection.Cheers,Trev